Alaska Mission Day 1 & 2

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Vision for Eternity is working with Divine Art Institute, Lighthouse Community Church, and The Compass to send a team of 16 individuals to Nikiski, Alaska for a week. The theme for this week is ‘to Shine your Art & Meet the Son’ with the goal of coming alongside the Compass to reach teens of Nikiski and surrounding areas with the Gospel. The plan is to use art classes to reach the students, teaching them of God’s love and His power as Creator.

On the 19th the team arrived at Phoenix airport around 8:30am and after many long hours of traveling arrived in Anchorage around 8:15pm. After being picked up and stopping for pizza the team made their way to Nikiski by 2:30am.

On the 20th the team was up and moving by 9am. After breakfast together and a team meeting, they headed for the Compass. Upon arrival Todd, the executive director gave a tour and shared the organization’s vision. After this, the team branched out in preparation for the week to come. The day consisted of interacting with individuals from the community, prepping a wall for the mural to be completed by the team, organizing the space and planning for the art camp, and shopping for supplies to last the week. After the long but productive day, the group met back together on the beach for a bonfire. Everyone cooked their own hotdogs and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Groups made their way back to the sleeping quarters in waves to start preparing for the night.

Please share and follow along this week with these daily updates. Continue in prayer that God will work through this group of individuals and touch this community of Nikiski, Alaska.