About Us
Vision 4 Eternity focuses on four key points: Discipleship, Action, Love, and Encouragement. We believe these four areas are the pillars of our organization. Each one of these areas helps us and those who partner with us fulfill the Great Commission.
Discipleship: Our desire is to disciple people from all backgrounds, race, age and gender all over the world. V4E serves along individuals by helping them accomplish the vision God has given to believers just as Jesus instructed in Matthew 28:19 NKJV, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
Being discipled in the ways of Jesus is what will change lives and it is what will inspire positive change in the cultures we live in and V4E is a voice of opportunity for that change. We want to partner with individuals who are looking to grow in their faith, people who want to learn the ways of Jesus and go evangelize His truths to a world that is in need of truth.
We believe that there is a need for discipleship training. To fulfill this need Vision 4 Eternity offers discipleship training courses. The intent of these courses is to challenge individuals within the ways of Jesus Christ. Courses will be available online which will allow worldwide participation.
Action: V4E provides short-term mission trips. These trips are a great platform to activate faith, grow in discipleship, and participate in God’s heart. Mission trips take individuals on an adventure of love and faith. These adventures take individuals outside of comfort living and help them see the benefits of serving and loving others. In return, those who go on mission are changed from the inside out. Their lives are never the same as they see others in a different way.
When you go on our trips, you will discover that our trips are different from other short term mission trips. They are different because Vision 4 Eternity is passionate to share the gospel message. We believe the heartbeat of every trip is the good news of Jesus Christ. Our trips are not about sightseeing but they are about loving those we are serving.
Trips with V4E are focused on helping those who are currently serving as missionaries in the mission field. There are so many individuals who are selflessly giving themselves to the work that God has put before them. Often times this mission can bring loneliness, frustration, and discouragement. V4E is driven to help these individuals specifically by providing boots on the ground for support in the work that God has given.
So if you are a student enrolled in our discipleship courses or if you individual who wants to grow in your faith in God make plans to join us or apply for one of our short-term mission trips.
Encouragement: Whether it is class interaction in our discipleship training courses or it is encouragement on the mission field, we truly believe in the words that Paul spoke to the church in Ephesus [Ephesians 4:29 NKJV] “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.” In everything we do, we want everyone who partners with us to be edified.
V4E is committed to a culture of edification. As believers the greatest witness that we can display is our love for one another. Jesus said, “ [John 13:35 NKJV] “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”
Love: Love is the reason why we do what we are doing. God is love and He has instructed us to love Him and love others. We can have the best discipleship classes and the best mission trips and we can impact many people, but if not done in love its for nothing. Vision 4 Eternity is committed in everything we do, discipleship, evangelism mission trips, or missionary support that it will all be done through God’s love. The same love that God showed us through His Son, Jesus Christ.